Hercegasszony Hotel - Wellness & Garden
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Our Address: H-5400, Mezőtúr, Hercegasszony útja 1.
If you arrive from Budapest, you can reach Mezőtúr on the M5 motorway or express road 4, turning on road 46; the hotel is at a distance of 150 km in the direction of Sugár út.
If you arrive from Debrecen, follow express road 4 to Mezőtúr and reach the hotel at 120 km along the Sugár út.
From Szeged, please drive 124 km on road 45, then turn to road 44 towards the Kossuth Lajos út in the Öcsöd direction. Once in Mezőtúr, follow Sugár út until you reach the hotel.
The hotel can be approached by train as well on the international rail road Budapest-Szolnok-Békéscsaba.